DAS STUDIO as a partner of the HolyGrail 2.0 project, Digimarc partner and experts, was happy to take part in the live demonstration at ARC in Copenhagen, to see the digital watermarks in real live action.
AIM – European Brands Association and the City of Copenhagen hosted 3 physical and 2 virtual Open Houses at the Amager Resource Centre (ARC) in Copenhagen on 19 October, 2 and 18 November to showcase the semi-industrial test phase of the Digital Watermarks Initiative HolyGrail 2.0. During the events, a total of around 700 participants witnessed the huge potential of this pioneering technology to revolutionise sorting of packaging waste.
Participants had a virtual or physical tour of the ARC sorting facility and attended a demonstration of how the machine prototype and the digital watermarks technology work. Presentations of the latest HolyGrail 2.0 developments and a Q&A session complemented the tours.
Kontaktieren Sie uns direkt mit Ihren Fragen zum Thema
Digimarc und HolyGrail 2.0: info@das-studio.de
Learn more about HolyGRail 2.0, Digimarc and the Open House event at: